[Film-Ini-Verteiler] ✨ Looking for crew! ✨

Miriam sweettalkingproduction at gmail.com
Di Okt 24 12:45:52 CEST 2023

Hey everyone!

We are still looking for filmmakers who want to join the crew for my Bachelor
thesis film :)

It is going to be a 20-ish minute long fashion film about the sugarcoated
world of the Late Night Talk Show "Sweet Talking". Three protagonists
struggle with the stereotypes and limitations placed on them as women in
the entertainment industry.

*22.11.2023 - 26.11.2023*

Looking for:
- set design assistant
- light department (+21.11)
- extras coordinator (one day only, date tba)
- catering (25.11+26.11 only)

Send an email to: *sweettalkingproduction at gmail.com
<sweettalkingproduction at gmail.com>* if you want to join the team!
Thank you! ✨
- Miri


Miriam Lena Haspel (she/her)

Drehbuch & Regie

miriam.haspel at online.de


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