[Film-Ini-Verteiler] Looking for 1. AC for super 8 film (flinta only)

Julia Schöffel juliaschoe at icloud.com
So Mai 12 12:33:26 CEST 2024


For our super 8 fashion film shoot „You Roll Like Thunder“ in July (after summaery), we are still looking for a 1. AC. Our crew will be FLINTA only. Preferably you already shot with 8mm film and know some basics. We will have different locations and will shoot for 6 or 7 days on small sets. 

In our project You Roll Like Thunder (AT) we want to capture different facets of flinta friendships and portray the relevance of sisterhood and feminism by combining textile design, set design, photo- and videography.
For this purpose we want to include different FLINTA artists by integrating their textile designs in the different shootings to create an artistic collaboration. We’re focusing on upcycling of second hand clothing as well as knitted and handcrafted works.
We also want to refer to the approach of the exhibition „The Female View“ (seen in Museum Schloss Moyland) and add further queer and bipoc perspectives and to create our own aesthetic view of the female gaze. 

If you’re interested, feel free to contact me (Jules): +491713208087

Looking forward to hearing from you :-)

Miri (director & set design) 
& Jules (camera & edit)

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