[Film-Ini-Verteiler] Media Events Professorship

Anna Ryzhkova anja.ryzhkova13 at gmail.com
Di Feb 11 09:34:12 CET 2025

Dear Film-Ini,

You’re probably already aware of the planned cuts to the professorships.

A few weeks ago, there was the Miro board survey, in which many people from the Sound department and Gestaltung Medialer Umgebungen participated—but almost no one from the Film and Animation department. As a result, the situation for the Media Events professorship is looking very bad right now.

I’d like to make one last effort and have written a letter on behalf of the students in our professorship to better represent our concerns and the current situation. I’d love to have your support on this.

What do you think of the idea? If you agree with it, could you help share the letter with the film students?


Or do you have any other ideas? 
We probably won’t be able to change much—it’s almost too late. But at the very least, I think we should voice our concerns and show that there are actually many of us.

Best regards,
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