[Interaction] Fwd: EXTENDED DEADLINE to submit a paper: January 31st, 2011

Interaktionsdesign interaction at m18.uni-weimar.de
Di Jan 18 12:57:08 CET 2011


Bitte werft einen Blick in den Call for Papers im Anhang. Es sind ein  
paar interessante Symposien dabei.

Viele Grüße,

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von alainlioret at gmail.com -----
      Datum: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:44:15 +0100
        Von: Alain Lioret <alainlioret at gmail.com>
    Betreff: EXTENDED DEADLINE to submit a paper: January 31st, 2011
         An: alainlioret at gmail.com

*CALL** FOR PAPERS **VRIC** 2011 / Laval Virtual ? ?Converging technologies?
13th Virtual Reality International Conference, April 6-8, 2011, Laval,
France http://www.laval-virtual.org

  *7 full day thematic symposiums & workshops* are proposed this year, *please
submit a paper!*

  *>>>>>> EXTENDED DEADLINE to submit a paper: January 31**st**, 2011 <<<<<<*
*Submission website: **www.laval-virtual.org*<http://www.laval-virtual.org/>


    Submission deadline: 31 January 2011

    Notification to Authors: 14 February 2011

    Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration: Until 4 March 2011

    Late Registration: After 9 March 2011

    The authors of the best publications will be invited to submit a paper in
    the international journal IJODIR

S7? *Virtual ARTS,** April 7, 2011, 14h-18h*

This symposium is about Virtual Arts, all including some technologies for
new kind of realization. With Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual
Reality, but also worlds inhabited by artificial creatures, modern artists
can make performances, installations, real-time worlds of pictures, virtual
theater, virtual cinematography, and more... The Art of XXI th century is
just beginning.

  *Chair* : Alain LIORET, Arts et Technologies de l'Image, Université Paris
VIII, France

*Co-Chair* : Jeffrey VENTRELLA, artist/researcher, San Francisco, USA,
Keynote Speaker

  *Keywords & Topics* : Art and Virtual Reality, Art and Augmented Reality,
Art and Artificial Life, Art and Virtual Worlds, Art and Mixed Reality.

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