[Rundfunkorchester] anfrage von tina

markus westphal markus_westphal at gmx.de
Mi Aug 29 21:55:51 CEST 2018

Dear Jan,

thank you very much. I think everyone was fine with it.

Am 27.08.2018 um 16:27 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis:
> from me yes :)
> Sorry for the late reply
>> On 23 Aug 2018, at 21:54, iar institute for artistic radiation 
>> <Jan.glockner at artun.ee <mailto:Jan.glockner at artun.ee>> wrote:
>> dear orchesta!
>> I can record something for tina's request if you are okay with that, 
>> I will send it through our list before i send it to her, if that is 
>> okay for you all.
>> best
>> jan
>> -- 
>> jan-gloeckner.com <http://jan-gloeckner.com/>
>> hello at jan-gloeckner.com <mailto:hello at jan-gloeckner.com>
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