[Rundfunkorchester] Rundfunkorchester for Audiowalk

l. dang l.dang49 at googlemail.com
Mi Dez 19 23:53:58 CET 2018

hi markus,

vielen lieben dank dafür!

liebe grüße


markus westphal <markus_westphal at gmx.de> schrieb am Mi. 19. Dez. 2018 um

> hi together,
> anbei die mitschrift von unserer sitzung zum audiowalk.
> beste grüße,
> m
> Am 07.12.2018 um 14:04 schrieb Marko Hörschelmann:
> > Hello to all of you,
> >
> > i am writing because of we were thinking about  assistance from
> > bauhaus rundfunkorchester for our mainproject the audiowalk for
> > prettttyyy bauhaus 100.
> >
> > I guess Astrid or Fabian were writing to us in the past and informed
> > about it. Is that so? ;)
> >
> > basic informations are:
> >
> > there will be an audiowalk for the campus of bauhaus university and
> > some stations like Märzgefallenendenkmal, Reithaus, Ilmschlößchen,
> > Haus am Horn and Tempelherrenhaus.
> >
> > Here tourists of the next years bauhaus 100 anniversary are getting
> > gadgets with earphones so they can make the audiowalk. It starts in
> > mainbuilding and ends with the campus.
> >
> > In between the walk we are having some ideas for supporting sounds for
> > acoustics. There we thought about the Rundfunkorchester.
> >
> > It´s about having acoustics supporting the speaking persons about
> > topics like the history before the foundation of The Bauhaus here in
> > Weimar, some socialist workers songs, Gropius, the teaching methods,
> > meditation and so on and on and on...
> >
> > But for details i would like to ask all of us if we can make a meeting
> > next week, maybe after the plenum of bauhaus fm or another day, also
> > earlier(?) for talking about it if there is an interrest from our
> > side? Maybe also in the limona rooftop room...?
> >
> > Looking forward for a mail from you.
> >
> > P.S. excuse me for not being part in the radio but i hope i will be
> > part in next weeks months.
> >
> >
> > Sincerly,
> >
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