[Rundfunkorchester] rundfunkorcheter meeting

Janine Müller janinemueller1987 at googlemail.com
Mi Jul 25 13:34:35 CEST 2018

hey dears!
I will be sitting in the train straight to weimar during that time :(

but then i will be back in weimar!!

with love from the waterkant!!

2018-07-24 13:16 GMT+02:00 eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <
eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>:

> Or we can maybe Skype if you want or meet. But yes I think it is a good
> idea to talk about Halle!
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Rundfunkorchester] rundfunkorcheter meeting
> From: anton worch
> To: Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
> CC:
> Hey Guyes, when should we do our next meeting?
> what do you think about Thursday 2pm?
> greetings,
> Anton
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