[Rundfunkorchester] bullet points rundfunkorchester skype

Benjamin Serdani benjamin.serdani at gmail.com
So Jul 29 20:00:41 CEST 2018

Hey guys very Nice thanks so much!

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 29.07.2018 um 17:06 schrieb anton worch <anton.worch at gmx.net>:
> heres a quick summary of the rundfunkorchester talk, lefterys konrad and me had via skype:
> on 13th of august there will be a Rundfunkorchester from 8 to 10 pm. u can even send prerecorded material, if u dont have time to attend the ocherstra. or you can call in of course, if ure not in weimar.
> for 9th of september, halle:
> lefterys will buy the components for five transmitters in greece and try to build as much as possible. hes gonna be back in weimar at the end of august or beginning of september. He also found some old single vinyls from his granpa. some of them are pretty wasted. konrad asked us to bring oer own little speakers (like bluetooth, usb or aux)
> i think thats it basically.
> cu,
> anton
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