[Rundfunkorchester] Today 9pm concert!

iar institute for artistic radiation jan.glockner at artun.ee
Mo Mai 21 14:20:56 CEST 2018

fellow Orchestrians!

I will take that crazy idea and use skype to join you!

I will be only from 8:30 pm!


On 21 May 2018 at 12:46, Konrad Behr <post at konrad-behr.de> wrote:

> Hallo Liebe Musiker*innen!
> Today we have a live radio performance! Please take part at studio or via
> skype (bauhausfm) or phone (03643 581066)! Start 9pm.
> And don't forget: have fun!
> Konrad
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hello at jan-gloeckner.com
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