[Rundfunkorchester] concert Halle

Benjamin Voßler benjamin.vossler at hotmail.de
So Sep 2 21:26:13 CEST 2018

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately I am not able to take part at the gig in Halle (because of some family business).

But I wish to join you in the future again.

Best sounds,

Am 02.09.2018 um 21:13 schrieb markus westphal <markus_westphal at gmx.de<mailto:markus_westphal at gmx.de>>:

Hey Lefteris

Good of you to ask. Konrad and I met today to test the two mixers and our setup.

It was an idea to start gently with (white) noise and to play with different rushing (like modeling themes out of clouds / or carving themes out of stone)... Just an idea...

It would be good if we discussed all this in the group.

@ everyone, are there some ideas?

But the general questions are: Who plans to take part in the concert? Who's going to Halle? How does the setup look like? (Would we rather cancel?)

It would be great if we could discuss this before the concert. Some complete rehearsals next week could be also great ;)

best wishes

Am 02.09.2018 um 15:36 schrieb eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>:
Nice :) Do you have a more concrete idea about the concert or a concept or generally something?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] Fm transmitters
From: markus westphal
To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de>

Hi Lefteris and rundfunorchester,

Nice news. Sounds good, but we haven't tested/heared it yet ;) Lefteris, thank you for the work, the research and the links.

I'm currently lost in sound-analysis in pure data (while building a modul-rack among other things with tools by William Brent<http://williambrent.conflations.com/> (not with tID ;) cause I'm not a good programmer). Ives, a good programmer gave me some tips (again). Hopefully everything works fine before the concert.


Am 01.09.2018 um 17:14 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis:
Hello Rundfunk people

I finished the fm transmitter and it is working :) and you can change the frequencies manually.
To say the truth if you are not the best one in soldering, it is a little bit of pain in the ass the process and it was like that for me sometimes.

That’s why instead of doing it with a ready made with holes prototyping board, I realised it’s better if we want to print our own circuits boards.

It is a little bit longer process but if we want to do a lot of transmitters like that at the end it is going to be easier faster and more DIY.

This is one way to do it

I am bringing in Weimar materials to build at least one more like that.


An easier solution, in my opinion.

But apart from that, I made a radio transmitter with my old Raspberrypi B .
I found it much easier for me and better if we want to use it for the rundfunkorchestra. You don’t need a lot of hardware apart from A raspberrypi and a small DIY antenna. I think it is really good for the orchestra because you define the frequency that you want to broadcast every time very easily.

If you have another raspberry pi, we can arrange something like a workshop and built it in a few hours. I can help a lot in this right now. (Also, we can buy if we want for the radio, they are cheap and they are going to be useful in a lot of different projects i think )

I will bring mine too.

Here are some links of how to do it and a small video documentation of how it works mine

This is the simplest way: https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Radio-Transmitter/
Of course there a lot of different codes and softwares but I found this really simple and efficient

In order not to use an external keyboard and screen all the time (apart from the first one ) here is how to ssh to the raspberry pi

https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/unix.md (Mac/Linux)

https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/windows.md (Windows)

If you don’t want every time or you cannot plug in the raspberry via Ethernet into a router, you can plug it (I propose that, this the way I did it) in your computer. Since you do that, you have to go your computer and allow the ethernet connection to have access to the network via your computer.

And of course there are ways to start by itself as soon as you plug it into power, but if we want to use it with the rundfunkorchestra I think it is better to ssh every time so we write the frequency that we want to broadcast.

Last but not least the range of the transmitter in Athens is about 70m with a small DIY by just a cable antenna and a lot of other big radio stations close to me, so I think it is perfect for us.

Here is the small video


Best, Lefteris

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