[Rundfunkorchester] rehearsal on air for Dresden?

markus westphal markus_westphal at gmx.de
Mo Sep 17 19:51:20 CEST 2018

hey lefteris and arkestra,

sorry, but I'm not sure yet, if I can come with you. If possible I would 
decide spontaneously at the end of week/friday.

(If it is usefull, I can be part of the rehearsal, but I've no idea for 
a main-theme).


Am 14.09.2018 um 17:53 schrieb eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de:
> Hey,,
> How about making a rundfunkorchestra rehearsal on bauhaus.fm air next 
> week?
> I wanted also not use my laptop this time but some really old 
> scratched Greek vinyls with a contact mic.
> Do you have any idea as let's say a theme for the concert?
> Lefteris
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Rundfunkorchester] informelles spontan treffen, heute garten 
> hegelstraße 10
> From: Konrad Behr
> To: Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
> CC:
>     ... wer lust auf bier und nerdgequassel hat und in weimar ist kann
>     gerne
>     bei mir im garten vorbei kommen.
>     20.30 wir angestoßen!
>     Prost!
>     konrad
>     -- 
>     Konrad Behr
>     Hegelstraße 10
>     99423 Weimar
>     Mobil: 0179 7133092
>     https://konrad-behr.de
>     https://twitter.com/KonradBehr
>     https://soundcloud.com/knrd
>     https://vimeo.com/knrd
>     https://clongclongmoo.org
>     You won't find me on facebook!
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