[Rundfunkorchester] I can't hear you ... :)

l. dang l.dang49 at googlemail.com
Di Sep 18 16:04:04 CEST 2018

Hey guys,

sorry for my late reply. Don't know what to play yet but would be in - also
for a rehearsal this week :)
Ah, and if we get a group ticket for Sachsen it's e.g. 52€ for 5.
To all of those busy: Have a great weekend.



Am Di., 18. Sep. 2018 um 15:51 Uhr schrieb Konrad Behr <post at konrad-behr.de

> Hey People!
> Where are you? Until now only Lefteris and me confirmed going to
> Dresden. That's a pretty small orchestra! Who wants to join us?
> Rehersal date finding:
> https://organisierte.verwirrung.institute/Yy5F2dalLy6ZrpLv
> ...but on the other side: 200€ for each of us sounds like a great weekend!
> Here the so far time line without us:
> https://datenspuren.de/2018/fahrplan.html
> :)
> Konrad
> --
> Konrad Behr
> Hegelstraße 10
> 99423 Weimar
> Mobil: 0179 7133092
> https://konrad-behr.de
> https://twitter.com/KonradBehr
> https://soundcloud.com/knrd
> https://vimeo.com/knrd
> https://clongclongmoo.org
> You won't find me on facebook!
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