[Rundfunkorchester] ... meeting tomorrow?

Jan Georg Glöckner jan.glockner at artun.ee
Mi Sep 19 20:16:39 CEST 2018

On 9/19/18 5:22 PM, l. dang via Rundfunkorchester wrote:
> I'm in tomorrow.
> And thanks a lot for checking out sleeping places!
> Am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 um 15:51 Uhr schrieb Konrad Behr 
> <post at konrad-behr.de <mailto:post at konrad-behr.de>>:
>     Hello!
>     How about meeting tomorrow, Thursday 20.9. at 8pm for planing the
>     Dresden concert? Here the results of the poll
>     https://organisierte.verwirrung.institute/Yy5F2dalLy6ZrpLv
>     I found meanwhile several sleeping opportunities in Dresden. We
>     should
>     bring our sleeping bags to be flexible.
>     We also should bring also our bauhaus.fm <http://bauhaus.fm>
>     mobile router to Dresden -just
>     in case the CCC network is to busy for the stream.
>     Konrad
>     -- 
>     Konrad Behr
>     Hegelstraße 10
>     99423 Weimar
>     Mobil: 0179 7133092
>     https://konrad-behr.de
>     https://twitter.com/KonradBehr
>     https://soundcloud.com/knrd
>     https://vimeo.com/knrd
>     https://clongclongmoo.org
>     You won't find me on facebook!
>     _______________________________________________
>     Rundfunkorchester mailing list
>     Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
>     <mailto:Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de>
>     https://m18.uni-weimar.de/mailman/listinfo/rundfunkorchester
> _______________________________________________
> Rundfunkorchester mailing list
> Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
> https://m18.uni-weimar.de/mailman/listinfo/rundfunkorchester

dear orchestrixe!

I am a little sick at the moment and also still in Kassel. I think I 
will see how I am recovering and will be able to make a decision whether 
I am with you guys in Dresden or not.

さようなら (/sayōnara/)


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