[Rundfunkorchester] Zwiebelmarkt 12-14 Oktober

Andreas von Stosch andreas.stosch at gmx.de
Mo Sep 24 13:01:59 CEST 2018

Dearest Jan, dearest Rundfunk Colleagues,

what greater achievement could an orchestra possibly wish for than to play at the Zwiebelmarkt Weimar?
Think about it, It's one of the wildest dreams come true; A once upon a time lifechance.

If there's any possibility to join you over webstream, via skype..i would be most happy to do so. 
-Not only to communicate musically/radiowise with you, but also to be part of a wonderful concert infront of my beloved second home, the Hababusch. 
And finally of course to enjoy your -and others long time no see Weimeraners- company. 

Please say yes!
With warmest greetings from cold- autumn-rainy Suomi,

Am 24. September 2018 13:09:36 OESZ schrieb "Jan Georg Glöckner" <jan.glockner at artun.ee>:
>Dear colleagues!
>I have been asked if I know any bands that could play during 
>Zwiebelmarkt in front of the Hababusch.
>So what about the Rundfunkorchester?
>What do you think?
>and... the bad thing: I need a yes or no till this afternoon!
>So, I would be willing to play!
>Rundfunkorchester mailing list
>Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de

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