[Rundfunkorchester] Zwiebelmarkt 12-14 Oktober

Andreas von Stosch andreas.stosch at gmx.de
Mo Sep 24 13:21:04 CEST 2018

...i am Glad that i don't have to convince you :)

One thing i haven't considered in my previous mail:
My Lappland-trip starts at 14th of october. Since i'll need saturday for preparations, it would be supernice if the concert could take place on Friday. I know its a selfish request, but i'd like to play soo badly. Is it possible? 

Thanks for understanding,
A hoping 

Am 24. September 2018 14:01:59 OESZ schrieb Andreas von Stosch <andreas.stosch at gmx.de>:
>Dearest Jan, dearest Rundfunk Colleagues,
>what greater achievement could an orchestra possibly wish for than to
>play at the Zwiebelmarkt Weimar?
>Think about it, It's one of the wildest dreams come true; A once upon a
>time lifechance.
>If there's any possibility to join you over webstream, via skype..i
>would be most happy to do so. 
>-Not only to communicate musically/radiowise with you, but also to be
>part of a wonderful concert infront of my beloved second home, the
>And finally of course to enjoy your -and others long time no see
>Weimeraners- company. 
>Please say yes!
>With warmest greetings from cold- autumn-rainy Suomi,
>Am 24. September 2018 13:09:36 OESZ schrieb "Jan Georg Glöckner"
><jan.glockner at artun.ee>:
>>Dear colleagues!
>>I have been asked if I know any bands that could play during 
>>Zwiebelmarkt in front of the Hababusch.
>>So what about the Rundfunkorchester?
>>What do you think?
>>and... the bad thing: I need a yes or no till this afternoon!
>>So, I would be willing to play!
>>Rundfunkorchester mailing list
>>Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
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