[Rundfunkorchester] Fwd: [seamnews] CALL - inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces - ZKM + ALMAT

markus westphal markus_westphal at gmx.de
Do Sep 27 16:39:10 CEST 2018

have more to learn... (as cage said) "for the  birds" respectively 
spatzis: https://www.uni-weimar.de/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/Spatialisation

Am 27.09.2018 um 15:05 schrieb Konrad Behr:
> Für alle RechenkünstlerInnen!
> knrd
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: 	[seamnews] CALL - inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces - ZKM + ALMAT
> Datum: 	Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:36:24 +0200
> Von: 	Hanns Holger Rutz rutz at iem.at [seamnews] <seamnews at yahoogroups.de>
> Antwort an: 	seamnews at yahoogroups.de
> An: 	seamnews at yahoogroups.de
> In the run-up to the festival »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces«
> (December 7–8, 2018) the ZKM | Karlsruhe and the project »Algorithms
> that Matter« (ALMAT) call for submissions of works dealing with space
> and the spatiality of calculation processes. Deadline: October 14, 2018!
> Are there inherent spatial properties of algorithms? What, for example,
> is the connection between the iterations of code, the behavior of
> multi-agent systems, the exploration of databases and their inscription
> in perceptible, auditory space? We are looking for works that use
> generative processes to produce space instead of using a secondary
> spatialization process, treating space as a critical phenomenon
> resulting from the work with algorithms, for sound artifacts that
> investigate concepts of space by embedding them in algorithmic processes.
> Submissions can include both fixed media compositions and live
> performances. The Open Call for Works for the festival »inSonic 2018:
> Algorithmic Spaces« focuses on works that apply unexpected,
> non-cartesian, non-standardized, reckless and experimental approaches to
> space in sound to map special materializations of algorithmic spaces.
> Each submission must be accompanied by an explanation (max. 300 words)
> explaining the space concept pursued and its strategy of implementation.
> In addition, a technical description must be submitted which outlines
> the ground plan of the piece, the spatial or environmental requirements
> as well as expected rehearsal and set-up times.
> The successful submissions will be presented at the opening concert of
> »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« in the Cube of the ZKM on December 7,
> 2018.
> In addition to a fee of €300, the artists of the selected submissions
> will be reimbursed travel costs of a maximum of €400 and accommodation
> costs of a maximum of €200.
> Submissions can be made up to and including Sunday, **October 14, 2018**
> (with no expiring download link) by sending an e-mail to hertz-lab at zkm.de.
> »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« is a cooperation between ZKM |
> Karlsruhe and »Algorithms that Matter« (ALMAT, FWF AR 403-GBL).
> https://zkm.de/en/call-for-works-algorithmic-spaces
> https://almat.iem.at/
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gesendet von: Hanns Holger Rutz <rutz at iem.at>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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