[Rundfunkorchester] rehearsal fr at 5 at m5 & sleeping places

markus westphal markus_westphal at gmx.de
Mi Apr 3 10:20:35 CEST 2019

Dear Konrad, dear Laura,

many thanks for the organization of the enterprise.

Konrad, the 2 places are already occupied I suppose. If not, I would
like to register for an overnight stay. Otherwise it would be enough if
I could store my things there for the night.

If someone still has a place to sleep, i would like to keep my things
(maybe even me in case of doubt) there for the night.

Until Friday at 5 in the M5.


Am 03.04.2019 um 09:58 schrieb Konrad Behr:
> Hello Orchestra,
> our Cologne trip is moving closer. In case you still need a place to
> stay, please organize yourself. In "my place" only 2 further people
> beside me can stay. If it is necessary contact our host Stoffel
> <stoffel at derkleinegruenewuerfel.de>. He offered more places but now it
> is quit urgent.
> Let's have a final rehearsal at 5pm on Friday. The studio is blocked
> already. At the evening there are some performances at the place  I
> forgot the name close to the main station.
> Let's escape #Bauhaus100000000
> Ufftata
> Konrad

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