[Rundfunkorchester] Orchestra time!

l. dang l.dang49 at googlemail.com
Sa Jul 13 20:42:55 CEST 2019

noissse tiiiime tonight from 10-12pm under the rooftop of m5. bring your
toys and all those little noise and sound making things or join us via riot

On Thu 11. Jul 2019 at 12:02, Konrad Behr <post at konrad-behr.de> wrote:

> Dear soundies!
> At Saturday, July 13th 10pm to 12pm is live Orchestra time! Bring all
> your toys and noisy friends to the studio at m5.
> Konrad
> --
> Konrad Behr
> Hegelstraße 10
> 99423 Weimar
> Mobil: (49)179 7133092
> https://konrad-behr.de
> https://twitter.com/KonradBehr
> https://soundcloud.com/knrd
> https://vimeo.com/knrd
> https://clongclongmoo.org
> You won't find me on facebook!
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