[Rundfunkorchester] Train ticket to cologne - reply until tomorrow

l. dang l.dang49 at googlemail.com
Mi Mär 20 00:01:11 CET 2019

haha, wrong info. there is still the option to go for 20€ to cologne. but
back it's still 32€.
sorry, stupid me.

Am Di., 19. März 2019 um 22:03 Uhr schrieb l. dang <l.dang49 at googlemail.com

> Hey all,
> we waited too long. Now it's 30€ to go to cologne and 32€ to get back
> again with 7 people :(
> Is everyone fine if I book it tomorrow? Whoever wants to be part of the
> group ticket - send a "yes" *until tomorrow* or a "no" if you buy your
> own ticket.
> The thing is, I don't have enough money on my bank account to pay for all
> in advance - suggestion: I can book the way to cologne and somebody of you
> the way back?
> all the best
> larua
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