[Rundfunkorchester] come and play with us, monday 9pm studio m5

Konrad Behr post at konrad-behr.de
So Mai 19 13:31:56 CEST 2019

ooopsi. Of course Monday 20th ...


Thanks to "Mitarbeiter des Monats" Hernn Serdani!


Am 19.05.2019 um 13:30 schrieb Benjamin Serdani:
> So we’re talking May the 20th? Or Tuesday the 21th?
>> Am 19.05.2019 um 13:27 schrieb Konrad Behr <post at konrad-behr.de>:
>> Hello Orchestra and Friends!
>> On Monday, May 21st we have again 2 hours on air.
>> Free space for free people and free sounds!
>> Bring you instrument - at least yourself - to Marienstrasse 5 and make
>> some noise on air!
>> whoop whoop!
>> Konrad
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Konrad Behr
Hegelstraße 10
99423 Weimar

Mobil: (49)179 7133092


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