[Rundfunkorchester] streaming - fun!

s.kalvelage at posteo.de s.kalvelage at posteo.de
Do Apr 16 17:48:32 CEST 2020

 Hey friends!

So, this is how our setup for the audio visual feedback thing will look
The window is painted with local soil, Fabian will screen digitally
manipulated videos of Lichtensteig on the muddy surface.
There will be text from Zoe. There will be things happening in this
dream like surrealistic place... and we will try to react on your
sounds/fieldrecordings/music/words of course! Do you normally set a
topic or how will you do things?
We are really looking forward for that collaboration thing! Let´s play
and experiment together - GREAT!
What we thought of was, that it would be great to have a little break
inbetween - I don´t know maybe every 15-20 minutes to reset, have a sip
of water or whatever... what do you think? 

See and hear you soon!
Greetings from Lichtensteig!

Silke kleine Kalvelage
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