[Rundfunkorchester] Invitation to "Transeuropäisches Rundfunkorchester"

Konrad Behr post at konrad-behr.de
Di Jul 7 15:52:55 CEST 2020

Hello Soundies!

... even more phantasmic offers. A friend from Graz/Austria wrote the


Hättet ihr mit dem BauhausFM-Rundfunkorchester Lust auf einen Austausch
via Äther? Wir haben seit letztem Jahr auch ein Radioorchester in Graz,
das RadioIronieOrchester, und wir spielen remote-vernetzte Performances
via Radio und Internet, u.A. die letzten Wochen bei pi-node und diversen
anderen Stationen. Ich fänd es cool, mit vereinten Kräften ein
transeuropäisches Rundfunkorchester zusammenzubauen :) Unser technisches
Framework ist sehr einfach, wir nutzen zumeist einen Jitsi-Kanal zum
Spielen, in den sich jedeR einwählen kann. Hören kannst Du uns z.b. da:


Hättet ihr Lust dazu? Sendetermine lassen sich einfach finden, und
hauptsache es macht noise und Spaß... Alles Liebe!



What do you think?


On 6/30/20 2:35 PM, Konrad Behr wrote:
> Hello!
> May be you already heard about the bauhaus.fm special program called
> shift.fm from July 6th to July 13th. For the night slots, I had the idea
> of a one hour show where listeners can hear refrigerators sleeping.
> The name of the show: "Schlafende Kühlschränke" (Sleeping refrigerators)
> For this format I want to ask you for a recording of your fridge or
> freezer during oune hour during the night or when ever your fridge is
> sleeping well.
> It would be wonderful if you could just make a recording of your
> favorite device with your hifi - microphone setup, or just with your
> smart phone, or tape recorder or whats how ever....
> Just take care that you don't record voices or sounds of people that may
> should stay private :)
> Please send me the recording via a file sharing service (justsendit.de,
> wetransfer.com ...) as mp3 (320kbs or higher) or wav (16bit, 44kHz or
> higher) until Sunday July 5th to:
> post at konrad-behr.de
> Please add the following information:
> Name/Artistname of you if you want to have it published.
> The model and approximate year of construction or your fridge.
> City where the fridge lifes.
> Of course a picture of the device is nice.
> More details about shift.fm:
> https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/bauhaus-fm/category/shif-fm/
> Thank you in advance and please stay cool in this crazy times!
> Konrad
> PS: I hope you agree using your recording during a non-commercial future
> improvisational performance of the Bauhaus.FM-Rundfunkorchester
> https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/bauhaus-fm/category/rundfunkorchester/
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
music / research / media & sound

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
(A.C. Clarke)

Nibelungengasse 44
8010 Graz
+43 699 10551457

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