[Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August

Leon Goltermann leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de
Mo Mär 30 17:03:40 CEST 2020

i would would like to join too. Skype (but how)? and are we talking about today (7pm?) or about 13 august? 
all the best

> Am 29.03.2020 um 19:56 schrieb Benjamin Voßler <benjamin.vossler at hotmail.de>:
> I would join via Skype 
>> Am 29.03.2020 um 15:50 schrieb ‪eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de‬ <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>:
>> Me with my flatmate for sure. 
>> Sent from my Huawei phone
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: Jan Georg Glöckner <jan.glockner at artun.ee>
>> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 15:38
>> To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
>> Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
>> huhu?
>> who is playing tomorrow?
>> what are we playing? and how?
>> luv
>> jan
>> On 13.08.18 22:02, eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de> wrote:
>> Thank you all, it was nice :)
>> No. I didn't have speakers with mic open at the same time and I didn't rebroadcast it. Why?
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re:Re:[Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
>> From: eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>
>> To: "l. dang" ,rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko <mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann 
>> CC: 
>> If the one that I sent you doesn't work you can try this mattachin.airtime.pro
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re:[Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
>> From: eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>
>> To: "l. dang" ,rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko <mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann 
>> CC: 
>> Ready from Athens. Looking really forward for the show. Really happy that a lot of people are going to be in the studio :)
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
>> From: "l. dang via Rundfunkorchester" 
>> To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko <mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann 
>> CC: 
>> Hello orchestra! 
>> Does someone have a contact mic which I could borrow for tonight? Would be great. 
>> See you later at 7pm in the studio. Konrad might be there even earlier to set things up.
>> @Marko - and everybody else via recordings or stuff: join us! :) 
>> All the best 
>> laura 
>> 2018-08-12 22:49 GMT+02:00 markus westphal <markus.westphal at uni-weimar.de <mailto:markus.westphal at uni-weimar.de>>:
>> Hey there fancypants,
>> I am currently in the Zwischenzeit. "Es ist 1996, meine Freundin ist weg und bräunt sich..."
>> When I get out of here, I'm going to the studio. If not, "bin ich auf´m sonnendeck", or I'll be trapped forever in the meantime, "oder im Solarium" and "play a song for all the lonely hearts, shattered dreams and broken parts..."
>> see you hopefully tomorrow.
>> all the best
>> m
>> p.s. hear ' s another dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05YIk0Hu2Y&list=RDEMaK1owhjm5g9s3zq0pYpKsw&index=3 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05YIk0Hu2Y&list=RDEMaK1owhjm5g9s3zq0pYpKsw&index=3>
>> Am 11.08.2018 um 13:39 schrieb Konrad Behr:
>> Great!
>> Up to now the following musicians are taking part:
>> Studio Weimar:
>> Laura
>> Jani
>> Ben V
>> Konrad
>> Studio Athens:
>> Lefteris
>> Who else wants so join?
>> I can set up one icecast stream from outside as well.
>> Please send us sound material in case you can not be part at the live event.
>> Whooooo! It will be Gr0ßartig!
>> Konrad
>> Am 11.08.2018 um 13:34 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis:
>> Hey Rundfunk people,
>> On Monday I am going to play with you from this stream mattachin.out.airtime.pro <http://mattachin.out.airtime.pro/>
>> I can start broadcast 45 minutes earlier so you can find me :)
>> Bis Montag,
>> Lefteris
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> Rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de
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