[Rundfunkorchester] monday

Benjamin Voßler benjamin.vossler at hotmail.de
Mo Mär 30 17:39:42 CEST 2020

I have Reaper. NinJam sounds great. Do you have a server?


Am 30.03.2020 um 17:28 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>>:

Just an idea in order to have better connection. Who has reaper in his computer ? and check if you have the plug in ReaNinjam. If yes please check it out a bit and I can tell you some public servers that you should connect do. Who can play through reaper?


On 30 Mar 2020, at 17:21, ‪eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>‬ <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>> wrote:

We are talking about today at 21:00. So OK if we do it from Skype I can be your hub and let's hope that the internet won't let us down. Konrad are you able to take also some calls?

Let's don't use video.

Sent from my Huawei phone

-------- Original message --------
From: Jan Georg Glöckner <jan.glockner at artun.ee<mailto:jan.glockner at artun.ee>>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020, 17:09
To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de>
Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] monday

today! wrong subject line, was responding to last mail that went over this list;)

On 30.03.20 17:03, Leon Goltermann wrote:
i would would like to join too. Skype (but how)? and are we talking about today (7pm?) or about 13 august?
all the best

Am 29.03.2020 um 19:56 schrieb Benjamin Voßler <benjamin.vossler at hotmail.de<mailto:benjamin.vossler at hotmail.de>>:

I would join via Skype

Am 29.03.2020 um 15:50 schrieb ‪eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>‬ <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>>:

Me with my flatmate for sure.

Sent from my Huawei phone

-------- Original message --------
From: Jan Georg Glöckner <jan.glockner at artun.ee<mailto:jan.glockner at artun.ee>>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 15:38
To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de>
Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August


who is playing tomorrow?

what are we playing? and how?



On 13.08.18 22:02, eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de> wrote:
Thank you all, it was nice :)
No. I didn't have speakers with mic open at the same time and I didn't rebroadcast it. Why?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re:Re:[Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
From: eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>
To: "l. dang" ,rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann

If the one that I sent you doesn't work you can try this mattachin.airtime.pro

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re:[Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
From: eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de<mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>
To: "l. dang" ,rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann

Ready from Athens. Looking really forward for the show. Really happy that a lot of people are going to be in the studio :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Rundfunkorchester] Monday 13 August
From: "l. dang via Rundfunkorchester"
To: rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko<mailto:rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de,Marko> Hörschelmann

Hello orchestra!

Does someone have a contact mic which I could borrow for tonight? Would be great.
See you later at 7pm in the studio. Konrad might be there even earlier to set things up.
@Marko - and everybody else via recordings or stuff: join us! :)

All the best


2018-08-12 22:49 GMT+02:00 markus westphal <markus.westphal at uni-weimar.de<mailto:markus.westphal at uni-weimar.de>>:
Hey there fancypants,

I am currently in the Zwischenzeit. "Es ist 1996, meine Freundin ist weg und bräunt sich..."

When I get out of here, I'm going to the studio. If not, "bin ich auf´m sonnendeck", or I'll be trapped forever in the meantime, "oder im Solarium" and "play a song for all the lonely hearts, shattered dreams and broken parts..."

see you hopefully tomorrow.
all the best

p.s. hear ' s another dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05YIk0Hu2Y&list=RDEMaK1owhjm5g9s3zq0pYpKsw&index=3

Am 11.08.2018 um 13:39 schrieb Konrad Behr:

Up to now the following musicians are taking part:

Studio Weimar:
Ben V

Studio Athens:

Who else wants so join?

I can set up one icecast stream from outside as well.

Please send us sound material in case you can not be part at the live event.

Whooooo! It will be Gr0ßartig!

Am 11.08.2018 um 13:34 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis:
Hey Rundfunk people,

On Monday I am going to play with you from this stream mattachin.out.airtime.pro<http://mattachin.out.airtime.pro/>

I can start broadcast 45 minutes earlier so you can find me :)

Bis Montag,
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