[Rundfunkorchester] Hey

Konrad Behr post at konrad-behr.de
So Jan 10 13:29:31 CET 2021

I'm in.

Better see you 16:00 Uhr at jitsi first:


and then try reaper.


Am 10.01.2021 um 12:04 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis:
> Hello everyone,
> So tomorrow we have a show at 22:00 in the night. 
> We would like to do it via reaper. 
> You have to open the plug in ninja, and connect to this
> server getaroom-na.ninjam.com:2049
> <http://getaroom-na.ninjam.com:2049> from the connect window. Then you
> will have to type !join bauhausfm
> We can try today at 16:00 what do you think?
> More infos about ninjam here: https://www.cockos.com/ninjam/
> <https://www.cockos.com/ninjam/>
> Have a nice sunny Sunday!
> Lefteris
>> On 6. Jan 2021, at 14:12, Leon Goltermann
>> <leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de
>> <mailto:leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de>> wrote:
>> Hey, 
>> yes, lets do the 11.1 and i´m pro reaper. 
>> @marko i guess there was no more communication in between. 
>> greetings
>> leon
>>>> Am 06.01.2021 um 12:09 schrieb Lefteris Krysalis
>>>> <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de
>>>> <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Sorry for the huge delay. Last week was a little bit hard because
>>>> the schedule was full too but if we want to do it this Monday 11/1
>>>> then I can reserve as a slot today during the bauhaus.fm
>>>> <http://bauhaus.fm/> meeting. What do you think? 
>>>> And do we want to do it through reaper?
>>>> best,
>>>> Lefteris
>>>>> On 4. Jan 2021, at 17:07, Marko Hörschelmann
>>>>> <marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de
>>>>> <mailto:marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey everyone.
>>>>> Sorry, aber ich schaffe es heute leider doch nicht. Habe alles
>>>>> zeitlich irgendwie falsch eingeschätzt und muss absagen.
>>>>> Wie ist der Stand eigentlich, da keine weitere Kommunikation
>>>>> stattfand. Oder doch und ich hab es verpasst?
>>>>> Liebe Grüße,
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Marko Hörschelmann
>>>>> Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
>>>>> Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
>>>>> Student der Medienkunst und -gestaltung
>>>>> Mozartstr.19
>>>>> 99423 Weimar
>>>>> Tel.: +49(0)3643/58 xx xx
>>>>> Fax: +49(0)3643/58 xx xx
>>>>> E-Mail: marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de
>>>>> <mailto:marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de>
>>>>> www.uni-weimar.de <http://www.uni-weimar.de/>
>>>>> Zitat von Leon Goltermann <leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de
>>>>> <mailto:leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de>>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> so the doodle shows 4 possible participants for tomorrow and for
>>>>>> the 11.1. I don?t know if everyone used the doodle but maybe Marco
>>>>>> and sil decide about the date because one of you is not there
>>>>>> anyway, says the doodle. (or does someone think we can?t do it
>>>>>> tomorrow because we have not advertised it? i think we could just
>>>>>> play before gramophon der Zukunft which starts at 7pm. please
>>>>>> correct me if im wrong.)
>>>>>> in general could we use ninjam in reaper again and Lefteris could
>>>>>> you do the server and streaming again or write a short how-to?
>>>>>> looking forward to it
>>>>>> Leon
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Konrad Behr
Hegelstraße 10
99423 Weimar

Mobil: (49)179 7133092


You won't find me on facebook!

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