[Tonraum] Invitation to maschinenraum-Raum-Orga-Brunch this Sunday

maschinenraum mr at m18.uni-weimar.de
Wed Nov 29 21:19:43 CET 2023

Dear initiatives and departments,

the machinenraum cordially invites you to the maschinenraum-Raum-Orga-Brunch this Sunday starting at 11 AM. This is meant to be a cozy get-together for all the groups using the maschinenraum room. Let's have some vegan brunch while we discuss the future of the room and introduce new regulations.

This Sunday we will present the new locking system for the maschinenraum. As you all know there are only few keys for the room and therefore only a few people who can open the room for others.
That's why we decided last time to switch from keys to NFC cards. On Sunday we will activate your thoska or any NFC card of your choice for the new lock, so that you can enter the room without a physical key.

If you want to add something to the agenda or tell us what you want to bring for brunch, this is our pad: https://m18.uni-weimar.de/pad/p/mr_plunch

Have a nice week!

Your maschinenraum (not the room)

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