[Bauhausballert] Anfrage wg. Zuarbeit - bitte besprecht es intern und teilt es auch gerne :)

Louisa Hainich initiativkoordination at m18.uni-weimar.de
Di Jan 17 13:08:51 CET 2023

Hello, I'm Nil from MediaArchitecture Master's first semester. 
For my project this winter, I am interested in making a student map in compass form. The main focus will be student initiatives and the meeting spaces. Since it will be a very selective map with informations about the initiatives, I would love to have a chat with you and also see/sketch the activities and spaces you usually use. I will have to prepare this project for go4spring which will take place on 9th February so it would be great if you can reach me within this month (January). I would also love to hear your thoughts about this being an open access map in an open place, that way even the groups I might not have the chance to speak (or future ones) can add theirselves!

Kontakt zu Nil gibts hier :) nilsutasel at gmail.com <mailto:nilsutasel at gmail.com> bitte meldet euch bei ihr, ich glaube, das Projekt wird ganz cool :)

LG, Loui

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