[Bauhausballert] Fwd: Invitation – “Towards (Gender) Just Technological Artifacts and Intelligent Technology. Analyses, Methods, Case Studies” - Series “Equity at Bauhaus”
Louisa Hainich
louisahainich at gmx.net
Fr Jan 20 16:52:26 CET 2023
Liebe Inis,
anbei ein sehr spannender Vortrag von einem öffentlichen Bauhaus.Modul.
Viele Grüße,
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
> Von: Isabel Vila Cabanes <isabel.vila.cabanes at uni-weimar.de>
> Betreff: Invitation – “Towards (Gender) Just Technological Artifacts and Intelligent Technology. Analyses, Methods, Case Studies” - Series “Equity at Bauhaus”
> Datum: 20. Januar 2023 um 15:35:52 MEZ
> An: "stuko at uni-weimar.de" <stuko at uni-weimar.de>
> Dear members of the Stuko,
> We would like to invite you to a discussion on de-gendering technological artifacts on the 26th of January from 18 to 19:30h at the Oberlichtsaal. Is technology neutral? What are dimensions and mechanisms of gendering technological artifacts? How can we avoid a perpetuation of the existing gendered order? What does a (gender) neutral technology look like? Guest speaker Corinna Bath will identify gendering processes in technological artifacts in order to propose technology design methods which aim at de-gendering such technology. From Legos to sit belts in cars or smart homes, we willdiscuss practical cases to prevent discrimination through technology.
> The Stuko is actively engaged in issues of equal opportunity and gender equality as well as sustainability, so you would certainly enjoy the session and we would greatly appreciate your ideas and contributions to the ongoing discussion.
> The session is part of the open format “Equity at Bauhaus”, curated by Prof. Mona Mahall and Dr. Isabel Vila Cabanes at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. With the series we explore new impulses from gender, cultural, and ethnic theories and practices in relation to the main disciplines of the Bauhaus University. The goal is to initiate a dialogue about just and plural co-existence; about domination and democracy, and about the dynamics of gender, ethnicity, inclusion, and diversity in the world and at the university. We address these issues with a decolonial and intersectional view in a series of lectures and workshops with a diverse group of guest speakers, hosted and moderated by students. Full programme: https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/struktur/zentrale-einrichtungen/gleichstellungsbuero/equity-bauhaus/ <https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/struktur/zentrale-einrichtungen/gleichstellungsbuero/equity-bauhaus/>
> <https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/struktur/zentrale-einrichtungen/gleichstellungsbuero/equity-bauhaus/>
> We welcome students, academic and non-academic members of the university as well as those interested in the topics at hand. The session will be in English.
> Thank you for your attention and we look forward to have you in the session!
> All the best,
> Mona Mahall and Isabel Vila Cabanes
> 10.11.22 Epistemische Gewalt und die Aufgabe der Kritik (Kasseturm)
> Prof.in <http://prof.in/> Dr.in <http://dr.in/> Sabine Hark (English translation available)
> 17.11.22 The Art of Nature: Queer Ecologies and Ecojustice (Kasseturm)
> Dr.in <http://dr.in/> Lorena Juan, Collective COVEN BERLIN
> 08.12.22 Architectural Utopias: Feminist Approaches (Oberlichtsaal)
> Screening of Two Stones (2020) with Wendelien van Oldenborgh
> 12.01.23 Inclusion on Campus: Mapping Physical and Social Barriers (Oberlichtsaal)
> Dr.in <http://dr.in/> Dagmar Pelger
> 19.01.23 Decolonizing the City: Intersectionality and Space (Oberlichtsaal)
> Niloufar Tajeri
> 26.01.2023 Does Technology bring Equality? De-Gendering Technological Artifacts (Oberlichtsaal)
> Prof.in <http://prof.in/> Dr.in <http://dr.in/> Corinna Bath
> 02.02.23 Racism in Digital and Social Media (Bauhaus.Atelier)
> Prof.in <http://prof.in/> Dr.in <http://dr.in/> Jiré Emine Gözen
> Dr. Isabel Vila Cabanes
> Projektbearbeterin ProTELC - Orientierungsstudium
> Institut für Strukturmechanik (Raum 110)
> Marienstraße 15
> 99423 Weimar
> Projektmitarbeiterin AG Equity at Bauhaus
> (Neues Europäisches Bauhaus Weimar)
> Gleichstellungsbüro Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
> Tel.: 03643 584515
> E-Mail: isabel.vila.cabanes at uni-weimar.de <mailto:isabel.vila.cabanes at uni-weimar.de>
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