[Film-ini-verteiler] JOB PAID | Video documentation of Yiddish Summer Weimar Workshops

Film-Initiative Weimar film-ini at m18.uni-weimar.de
Do Jul 22 21:36:20 CEST 2021

Dear Film-Ini students,

here's an interesting job offer to document the Yiddish Summer Weimar. 
It's a great event, which we as university participated in in the past 
years in various ways. Additionally to a small salary, you will have 
access to join the workshops and get in touch with creative people from 
all over the world.

If you're interested, please get in touch with Alan directly. He's in 
Weimar, so you can meet up and chat in person (crazy thing! ;))

Enjoy the (Yiddish) Summer!


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	video documentation of Yiddish Summer Weimar Workshops?
Datum: 	Thu, 22 Jul 2021 08:53:29 +0200
Von: 	Alan Bern <alan.bern at othermusicacademy.eu>
Organisation: 	Other Music Academy e.u.
An: 	nicola.hens at uni-weimar.de

Dear Nicola Hens,

Ron suggested that I write to you. I don't think we've ever met, and I 
hope we will soon!

You may know about Yiddish Summer Weimar:


It started this wee and will run through August 21.

In past years we've had complete video documentation of all of our 
workshops, which run daily from 10-13 and 15-18. This year, the people 
who do the documentation aren't able to, either because of illness or 
visa problems due to Covid. So we're looking for a last-minute solution.

My goal would be to have at least one hour of video documentation 
(unedited) from each workshop each day. We have a small budget for this. 
Might some of your students be interested? If you think this is possible 
and would like more details, please write or call: 0176 6361 6227. I'm 
already in Weimar these days, so we could also meet if you're here.

Thanks for your attention!

All the best,






*Dr. Alan Bern*

Chair, Other Music Academy e.V.

Director, Yiddish Summer Weimar

Other Music Academy

othermusic e.V.

Ernst-Kohl-Straße 23

99423 Weimar

Email: alan.bern at othermusicacademy.eu 
<mailto:andreas.schmitges at othermusic.eu>

Phone: +49 3643 858310

Fax: +49 3643 804836

Mobile: +49 176 6361 6227

www.yiddishsummer.eu <http://www.yiddishsummer.eu/>

www.othermusicacademy.eu <http://www.othermusicacademy.eu/>

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