[Film-ini-verteiler] Fwd: Special Invitation - 18th edition of FEST– New Directors | New Films Festival

Nicola Hens nicola.hens at uni-weimar.de
Mo Mai 23 18:56:29 CEST 2022

Liebe Film-Ini,

if anybody is interested in attending, let me know for the discounts!



-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Special Invitation - 18th edition of FEST– New Directors | New 
Films Festival
Datum: 	Mon, 23 May 2022 16:58:06 +0100
Von: 	Office FEST <office.fest.ac at gmail.com>
An: 	office.fest.ac at gmail.com

*Dear Friend,*


We’re in the last preparation phase of the 18th edition of FEST– New 
Directors | New Films Festival, which will be held from June 20th to the 
27th in Espinho, Portugal! A seaside town with good weather,  ideal for 
surfing and eating the better Portuguese seaside cuisine, that is ready 
to welcome you again!

As an old student selected and present in the last editions of our 
event, you are a central piece of our community. With this in mind, we 
would like to show our appreciation and personally invite you to come to 
join us at our event this year. After two pandemic years and with love 
and renaissance as our central theme, we want everyone to meet again and 
repeat a special week that for sure you kept in mind since your last 
presence in Espinho.

Following this, we would like to show our appreciation and personally 
invite you to come to join us at our event, way beyond than simply a 
movie festival, offering you special conditions on attending industry 
events at FEST PRO - and keep beside you on your first steps in the film 
industry,  now no longer as a student but as a professional. Spaces like 
our Filmmakers Corner will let you showcase your most recent works, by 
just booking a time slot in our dedicated screening space.

We’re glad to let you know that, as alumni of our event, you can access 
FEST PRO accreditation for only €80, and benefit from everything that 
our event has to offer. As an accredited participant, you will also have 
access to special accommodation prices from €51 per 6 nights! You can 
register using Eventival <https://vp.eventival.com/fest/2022>and the 

With 800+ producers, financiers, directorsand other film 
professionalsfrom 40+ countries around the world, from Oscar winners to 
rising stars. You will very likely find here many people that can be 
interested in your work, and approaching them could never be easier, due 
to our dedication to creating many networking opportunities. The 6-day 
program for professionals (June 21st - 26th) features:

• Training Ground(one of the world’s leading training events with 30+ 
masterclasses & workshops by the top film industry professionals 

• Directors Hub(networking platform with debates, case-studies, and 
roundtables focusing on the director’s role);

• Industry Meetings(one-on-one meetings between attending industry 
professionals seeking collaborations);

• Filmmakers Corner(an open stage for all filmmakers to showcase and 
promote their work, available to book at the Festival office);

• Pitching Forum(final presentations of the best projects in development 
and a space to meet international producers and financiers);

• Networking Dinners(informal industry gathering around the dinner table 
with an ocean sunset view);

• As well as unique networking moments, promoted on our Speed Meeting, 
Industry Lounge,and Open Air Cinema on the Beachand of course in our 
famous FEST Nights;

As a plus, this year we proudly present the Sound and Music Hub, a 
brand-new section focused on training activities related to sound and 
soundtrack work for Film. On the 24th and the 25th of June, be a part of 
this meeting place for Sound and Music professionals in Film.

For this year we already have confirmed Dan Laustsen, cinematographer of 
“Nightmare Alley” and “The Shape of Water”; Yorgos Mavropsaridis, editor 
of Lanthimos’ movies “Lobster” and “The Favourite”; Garry Brown, Head of 
VFX at “Paddington” movies; Nina Hartstonesupervising sound editor of 
“Bohemian Rhapsody”; Mark Ulano, sound mixer of “Once upon a time in 
Hollywood” and “Inglorious Basterds”; Will Filessound designer and 
supervising sound editor of “Stranger Things” and “Batman”, and the ones 
we will be announcing in the next few days.

Once again, thank you for being a part of our community!

We hope to meet you in Espinho for a few days of intense networking, 
enhancing film knowledge, and enjoying the best of the Summer and 
Portuguese food in this beautiful seaside town.

Any doubt about the process, feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Filipe Pereira

Director of FEST

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