Sarah Amar sarah.amar.caudron at gmail.com
Mo Jun 12 12:34:55 CEST 2023

Dear Film-Ini,

For the shooting of my short fiction film *I'M FINE.* , I am looking for
crew members.

Brook and Charlie are two friends with two different social backgrounds.
During a difficult period, the underlying tension between them only grows.

The shooting will be from 21 to 23 of July this summer. (in english)

The project needs collaborators for :
- sound
- camera
- set design
- costume / makeup
- assistant director

In this email you will find a presentation document with more details.
If you have any questions please contact me and I will be glad to give more
information and share the script with you.

I look forward to your replies !
Many greetings,

Sarah Amar
sarah.amar.caudron at gmail.com
+33626732258 (whatsapp or telegram)
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