[Film-Ini-Verteiler] Audimax Movie
Film-Initiative Weimar
film-ini at m18.uni-weimar.de
So Jun 18 19:30:14 CEST 2023
Liebe Film-Ini
wir m�chten euch auf eine Filmveranstaltung im Audimax (diese Woche
Mittwoch um 20 Uhr) aufmerksam machen :)) Unten eine kurze Beschreibung
des Events.
"In this especially painful time for Ukraine and it’s people, caused by
russian atrocities, we want to invite everyone to join the screening of
a short documentary on June 21st, in Audimax of Bauhaus University
Library. The movie will be followed by a discussion with the Ukrainian
director and people who helped create it. We warmly invite everyone to
join the screening and discussion with our guests. The entrance is free,
the movie will be screened in Ukrainian, with English subtitles."
When: Wednesday 21.06, 20:00
Where: Audimax, Steubenstra�e 6
Duration: 30 min + discussion
Greetings :) and have a nice week!
Bauhaus-Universit�t Weimar
Bauhausstra�e 15, Raum 006
99423 Weimar
film-ini at m18.uni-weimar.de
+49(0)3643 / 583930
Webseite: m18.uni-weimar.de/stuko/initiativen/film-ini
Instagram: filminitiative_buw
Twitch: filminitiativeweimar
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