[Klausur-orga] Fwd: Financing of Committee Retreat

Ludwig Lorenz ludwig.david.lorenz at uni-weimar.de
Mo Apr 11 17:51:23 CEST 2022


-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Tobias Friedel <tobias.bernhard.friedel at uni-weimar.de>
Gesendet: 11. April 2022 17:45:27 MESZ
An: Ludwig Lorenz <ludwig.david.lorenz at uni-weimar.de>
CC: fachschaft at medien.uni-weimar.de
Betreff: Financing of Committee Retreat

Hey Ludwig,

As we discussed last month, the student council talked about and finally 
also voted on wether or not to give money for the planning of the 
committee retreat in June.
I'm pleased to inform you, that we voted to give you guys 400€ of our 
StuKo Budget to help with the financing of the retreat.

We hope this helps you guys to plan a nice weekend!

Take Care,
for the Student Council of Media

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