[Rundfunkorchester] [Bauhausfm] Raster Media on Radio?

Konrad Behr | uni-weimar.de konrad.behr at uni-weimar.de
Mi Dez 5 15:36:38 CET 2018

Cool! Schön das du Interesse hast. Wir, die Radaktionssitzung, finden
das super. Gib Bescheid wenn du etwas brauchst.

Nach unserer Planung ist der Montag zwar schon voll aber wir würden für
deinen Input das Orchester kürzen oder dich auch die nächste Woche
verschieben wenn das für dich okay ist.

Das Programm am Montag:

19.00 - 20.00 - go west - bauahus.fm fährt zum campus Radio tag
20.00 - 21.00 - Dangerous
21.00 - 23.00 - bauhaus.fm-Rundfunkorchester

Grüße aus dem Hauptquartier

Am 05.12.2018 um 13:56 schrieb Louisa Hainich:
> Hej Martin,
> I’d be really interested in interviewing the artists. I’m really
> interested in their stories and process of working/ working method. I
> could do it alone, but I’d also be happy to interview them in a team!
> I can organize my schedule freely, so I’m flexible, concerning time and
> place.
> I’d maybe ask people like Enzo Monzano and Ioannis Oriwohl, who were
> involved with both visual, as well as musical aspects in projects such
> as the Genius Loci Lab. A befriended artist of mine - Timo Dufner, may
> also be an option.
> Best wishes,
> Louisa Hainich
> Studierende Bachelor Architektur 9. Fachsemester 
> Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
> Mail: louisahainich at gmx.net <mailto:louisahainich at gmx.net>
> Mobil: 0151 23338807
>> Am 05.12.2018 um 08:46 schrieb Martin Hirsch
>> <martin.hirsch at uni-weimar.de <mailto:martin.hirsch at uni-weimar.de>>:
>> Hey guys,
>> if anyone is interested in interviewing some of the artists at the
>> Raster AV event this Friday, get in touch with Brian! Probably also
>> means a free ticket :)
>> Best,
>> Martin
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From:* <brian at bauhausnext100.com <mailto:brian at bauhausnext100.com>>
>>> *Date:* 5. December 2018 at 01:42:32 CET
>>> *To:* <martin.hirsch at uni-weimar.de <mailto:martin.hirsch at uni-weimar.de>>
>>> *Subject:* *Raster Media on Radio?*
>>> Hey Martin,
>>> I know the timing is tight but if you would like to speak with
>>> someone at Raster during their time in Weimar (Thursday and Friday) I
>>> could put you in touch with them. 
>>> Just a last minute thought, no worries if nothing can be arranged. We
>>> are quite busy but I thought it could be nice to play some Raster
>>> tracks on Friday or something 😊
>>> More info on our event
>>> here; https://www.bauhausnext100.com/en/raster-signale-1-2/
>>> Cheers,
>>> Brian
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> Bauhausfm mailing list
> Bauhausfm at m18.uni-weimar.de
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Konrad Behr (www.konrad-behr.de)
Mobil.: +49(0)179/7133092

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Bauhaustr. 15
99423 Weimar

E-Mail: konrad.behr at uni-weimar.de

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