[Rundfunkorchester] Rundfunkorchester for Audiowalk

Marko Hörschelmann marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de
Fr Dez 7 14:04:39 CET 2018

Hello to all of you,

i am writing because of we were thinking about  assistance from  
bauhaus rundfunkorchester for our mainproject the audiowalk for  
prettttyyy bauhaus 100.

I guess Astrid or Fabian were writing to us in the past and informed  
about it. Is that so? ;)

basic informations are:

there will be an audiowalk for the campus of bauhaus university and  
some stations like Märzgefallenendenkmal, Reithaus, Ilmschlößchen,  
Haus am Horn and Tempelherrenhaus.

Here tourists of the next years bauhaus 100 anniversary are getting  
gadgets with earphones so they can make the audiowalk. It starts in  
mainbuilding and ends with the campus.

In between the walk we are having some ideas for supporting sounds for  
acoustics. There we thought about the Rundfunkorchester.

It´s about having acoustics supporting the speaking persons about  
topics like the history before the foundation of The Bauhaus here in  
Weimar, some socialist workers songs, Gropius, the teaching methods,  
meditation and so on and on and on...

But for details i would like to ask all of us if we can make a meeting  
next week, maybe after the plenum of bauhaus fm or another day, also  
earlier(?) for talking about it if there is an interrest from our  
side? Maybe also in the limona rooftop room...?

Looking forward for a mail from you.

P.S. excuse me for not being part in the radio but i hope i will be  
part in next weeks months.


Marko Hörschelmann

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Student der Medienkunst und -gestaltung
99423 Weimar
Tel.: +49(0)3643/58 xx xx
Fax: +49(0)3643/58 xx xx
E-Mail: marko.hoerschelmann at uni-weimar.de

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