[Rundfunkorchester] sounddesign for an audiowalk (This Tuesday 15th of January)

Lefteris Krysalis eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de
Mo Jan 14 19:49:29 CET 2019


So we meet tomorrow in SEAM at 15:00 as Konrad booked the studio to do the recordings. 

The recordings from Gropius office are too low and we are going to do them again tomorrow morning and I will send them immediately around 11:00 if you want to use them.

See you tomorrow,
> On 11 Jan 2019, at 13:06, l. dang <l.dang49 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> hey, 
> thanks a lot for the material and also for making the recordings on sunday. think i would be in. both limona or seam would be fine for me though it would be nice to do it in the evening. so maybe seam if possible? 
> best, 
> laura 
> Am Fr., 11. Jan. 2019 um 12:16 Uhr schrieb Lefteris Krysalis <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>>:
> I forgot the link with the material  sorry
> http://fromsmash.com/2ee46068-1592-11e9-a6b6-06812412be8a <http://fromsmash.com/2ee46068-1592-11e9-a6b6-06812412be8a>
>> On 11 Jan 2019, at 12:04, Lefteris Krysalis <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de <mailto:eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>> wrote:
>> Hello to all of you!
>> We were discussing to make an improvisation and record it in multichannel for the audiowalk at the 15th of January (this Tuesday) 
>> Astrid gave some more material to forward to you
>> Also this Sunday they are going to close the air system at the Hauptgebäude and I am going to sample Gropius office there so we can use the sounds during the impro. I will send you the files Sunday night. 
>> Limona is not free after 8pm.
>> Where do you want to make the recording? 
>> Who is in? 
>> SEAM (if it’s possible) or Limona?
>> Best,
>> Lefteris
>>> On 20 Dec 2018, at 15:19, markus westphal <markus_westphal at gmx.de <mailto:markus_westphal at gmx.de>> wrote:
>>> dear ensemble, dear doreen, 
>>> we hope you're back on the road to betterment and well again. 
>>> I'll write to you all, because maybe the following sounds interesting to the ensemble:
>>> yesterday some of the bauhaus.fm <http://bauhaus.fm/>-rundfunkorchester had a meeting with astrid drechsler. the topic was to contribute the sounddesign for an audiowalk. the audiowalk is designed within a uni-course (the course is given by the experimentell radio and led by astrid). the title is "wo ist walter". 
>>> it's up to us to contribute and also which sounds we want to use (therefore the question here in the round). however, the proximity to the bauhaus should be acoustically comprehensible. the schedule is very tight. for details see attached .pdf. 
>>> if you're interested, we can perhaps all contact each other at short notice (or in the new year). in any case, i wish you all some quiet and restful days. 
>>> warm regards,
>>> markus
>>> <Audiowalk_Wo-Ist-Walter_E-D_181220.pdf>

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