[Rundfunkorchester] Invitation to "Transeuropäisches Rundfunkorchester"

Leon Goltermann leon.giacomo.goltermann at uni-weimar.de
Di Jul 7 17:28:35 CEST 2020

it sounds all really nice and i hope to play at a lot of all these oportunities but right now im unable to plan. 
looks like it would be good if someone would take the responsibility for the ninjam or similar for the rundfunk-events.?

hear you soon :)

*i guess there are still recordings missing with dogos. maybe someone retrieves it. 

> Am 07.07.2020 um 15:52 schrieb Konrad Behr <post at konrad-behr.de>:
> Hello Soundies!
> ... even more phantasmic offers. A friend from Graz/Austria wrote the
> following:
> ........
> Hättet ihr mit dem BauhausFM-Rundfunkorchester Lust auf einen Austausch
> via Äther? Wir haben seit letztem Jahr auch ein Radioorchester in Graz,
> das RadioIronieOrchester, und wir spielen remote-vernetzte Performances
> via Radio und Internet, u.A. die letzten Wochen bei pi-node und diversen
> anderen Stationen. Ich fänd es cool, mit vereinten Kräften ein
> transeuropäisches Rundfunkorchester zusammenzubauen :) Unser technisches
> Framework ist sehr einfach, wir nutzen zumeist einen Jitsi-Kanal zum
> Spielen, in den sich jedeR einwählen kann. Hören kannst Du uns z.b. da:
> http://radia.fm/2020/04/show-784-radio-ironie-orchester-funkensprung-by-adina-camhy-and-teonas-borsetto-radio-helsinki/
> Hättet ihr Lust dazu? Sendetermine lassen sich einfach finden, und
> hauptsache es macht noise und Spaß... Alles Liebe!
> maggie
> ........
> What do you think?
> Konrad
> On 6/30/20 2:35 PM, Konrad Behr wrote:
>> Hello!
>> May be you already heard about the bauhaus.fm special program called
>> shift.fm from July 6th to July 13th. For the night slots, I had the idea
>> of a one hour show where listeners can hear refrigerators sleeping.
>> The name of the show: "Schlafende Kühlschränke" (Sleeping refrigerators)
>> For this format I want to ask you for a recording of your fridge or
>> freezer during oune hour during the night or when ever your fridge is
>> sleeping well.
>> It would be wonderful if you could just make a recording of your
>> favorite device with your hifi - microphone setup, or just with your
>> smart phone, or tape recorder or whats how ever....
>> Just take care that you don't record voices or sounds of people that may
>> should stay private :)
>> Please send me the recording via a file sharing service (justsendit.de,
>> wetransfer.com ...) as mp3 (320kbs or higher) or wav (16bit, 44kHz or
>> higher) until Sunday July 5th to:
>> post at konrad-behr.de
>> Please add the following information:
>> Name/Artistname of you if you want to have it published.
>> The model and approximate year of construction or your fridge.
>> City where the fridge lifes.
>> Of course a picture of the device is nice.
>> More details about shift.fm:
>> https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/bauhaus-fm/category/shif-fm/
>> Thank you in advance and please stay cool in this crazy times!
>> Konrad
>> PS: I hope you agree using your recording during a non-commercial future
>> improvisational performance of the Bauhaus.FM-Rundfunkorchester
>> https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/bauhaus-fm/category/rundfunkorchester/
> -- 
> Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
> music / research / media & sound
> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> (A.C. Clarke)
> http://suonoreale.mur.at
> Nibelungengasse 44
> 8010 Graz
> +43 699 10551457
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