[Rundfunkorchester] Runfunkorchestra Sunday 7pm + Signal Group

Konrad Behr post at konrad-behr.de
Do Apr 8 16:01:51 CEST 2021

Hello www-orld!

How about a new remote session of the bauhaus.fm-Rundfunkorchester?

It doesn't matter where you are, we meet virtually and save!

At Sunday, April 11th 7pm Weimar time, we want to record a one hour 
improvisation concert for the Monday program on bauhaus.fm. So far we 
are a group of 4 people but we need more!!!!!

We will use again the ninjam extension (https://cockos.com/ninjam) for 
our favourite DAW Reaper (https://www.reaper.fm/). Because we are not 
live on Sunday, we can prepare a proper set up before we start.

For a better real time communication, we decided to set up a Signal 
Group (open source messenger https://www.signal.org) which you can sign 
up here:


... or just contact me +49(0) 179 7133092

If you don't want to use another messenger you can write also a mail to 
this group rundfunkorchester at m18.uni-weimar.de

If you don't want to play live or you have no time please send us your 
sound material before.

If you not so familiar with sound devices or audio software you can join 
us also via Telephone. Please contact Lefteris or me.

For newcomers we recommend a look at our archive:


Bring the noise!


Konrad Behr
Hegelstraße 10
99423 Weimar

Mobil: (49)179 7133092


You won't find me on facebook!

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