[Rundfunkorchester] Fwd: Call to collaborate with Artist in residency (Radio Art Redsidency)

Lefteris Krysalis lef.krysalis at gmail.com
Do Apr 29 10:49:23 CEST 2021

An invitation from Masimba Hwati for a live collaboration…see info below..

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: masimba hwati <hwatimasimbah at gmail.com>
> Subject: Call to collaborate with Artist in residency (Radio Art Redsidency)
> Date: 28. April 2021 at 21:59:37 CEST
> To: Lefteris Krysalis <eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de>, Lefteris Krysalis <lef.krysalis at gmail.com>
>  My name is Masimba Hwati I’m the current artists in residency at the Radio Art residency In Weimar and I’m working on a body of work entitle Wairesi-Wartime radio meets Black market where I’m exploring the complex politics and impact of guerilla radio broadcast in the Zimbabwe war of independence from 1964-1979. I’m exploring this idea in performative and poetic ways. This process also accommodates a look at the sonic qualities of the Black market in Harare Zimbabwe. The Black Market is an insidious elusive and illegal, system of foreign currency exchange and other goods located in the streets of Harare. It’s like the stock market of the street. I’m using field recording from the Black market and parts of archival recordings from Guerilla war broadcasts as departure points for my work.
> I’m inviting artists/musicians/performers to collaborate with me on the last part of the performance at Eigenheim Gallery on Sat the 22nd of May. This will be a durational performance of 2hr to be broadcasted live. Collaborators are invited to stay for the whole duration or leave as they wish. I cannot afford to pay the performers but I will buy Pizza and drinks during the only rehearsal we will have on the 05/13/21 at 6 pm CET and more Pizza and drinks on the performance night 05/21.
> This part of the performance is titled The bread Score and is inspired by the words of  Jane Ngwenya a wartime radio maker during the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe “detainees were able to obtain contraband news through smuggled radios, most of which were put into loaves of bread together with spare batteries”
> This performance will feature a durational sound ensemble playing a few sculptures( I will have attached sketches and  pictures of some work in progress of some of the sculptures) I’ve made during my residency and other instruments that the collaborators will choose to bring. The players will improvise together by means of a score that will be hidden in several small loaves of bread that will be distributed among the group at a table. In Eigenheim gallery. The score ranges from suggestions for instrument playing to conversations amongst the group and even some slight body movement or gestures. However Improvisation is the greatest anchor in this performance.
> I will be honored by getting to know you and your interests and if you join me  in exploring this idea I will be sincerely grateful
> Sincerely
> Masimba Hwati

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