[Rundfunkorchester] Hey

l. dang l.dang49 at googlemail.com
Fr Jan 22 12:15:09 CET 2021

Hey all,
would it be also possible for you to meet later this afternoon or tomorrow?
I have another meeting around that time and would be free at 3/4pm I think.

It's in the schedule for Monday from 10-11pm.

Am Fr., 22. Jan. 2021 um 11:21 Uhr schrieb Leon Goltermann <
leon.goltermann at gmx.de>:

> Hey,
> last session we planed to have a concert on monday 25.1. how about we meet
> monday 1pm to discuss what we play and check the technical setup.
> https://meet.weimarnetz.de/BauhausFMJitsi
> (on Monday I’m flexibel time-related and apart from that i could do it
> sunday evening).
> did someone tell it to bauhausfm-scedualmakers?
> See you
> Leon
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