[Rundfunkorchester] Radio Art Residency Weimar: live radio performances by Masimba Hwati; 21st and 22nd of May

Lefteris Krysalis eleftherios.krysalis at uni-weimar.de
Di Mai 11 18:10:14 CEST 2021

Radio Art Residency Weimar
Masima Hwati
live radio performances 

Live from Eigenheim Weimar/Berlin on bauhaus.fm <http://bauhaus.fm/>, Radio Lotte 106.6 in the area of Weimar and on Facebook and YouTube (audio only)

     Rituals in Guerilla radio, Pirate taxis and Black-market
Date : Fri 21 May
Time:7pm CET

Dzangaradzimu is the name given to radio at first encounter circa 1930 by Zimbabwean people. In this performance Masimba Hwati explores  Dzangaradzimu as a window into the aurality that shapes the Zimbabwean psyche of active listening and sounding. The compound noun Dzangaradzimu is an Inversion of Dzimudzangara, a giant phantom that punctuated Zimbabwean folklore. According to oral tradition this giant apparition appeared and disappeared at will. The idea of this apparition was used to describe early acousmatic encounter with radio.
In this durational performance Masimba Hwati will explore the intersections of sound, body movement, history of struggle and the place of radio.

Bread Scores 
     Rituals in Guerilla radio and breaking of bread
Date : Sat 22 May
Time:7pm CET

An ensemble with Masimba Hwati and his friends. Inspired by the words of Jane Ngwenya a war time radio maker during the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe. 

Detainees were able to obtain contraband news through smuggled radios, most of which were put into loaves of bread together with spare batteries.

This performance will feature a durational sound ensemble playing a few sculptures by Masimba and other instruments of choice. The players will improvise together by means of a score that will be hidden in several small loaves of bread that will be distributed among the group in a table; in Eigenheim gallery.


Masimba Hwati works across sculpture, video, performance and sound. He holds an MFA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and is a PhD in Art practice, candidate at the Academy of Fine Art Vienna. He is a Skowhegan School of painting and Sculpture alumni class of 2019. He studied and taught sculpture at Harare Polytechnic Art school. Collections Include University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA), Iziko, South African National Gallery. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Scott White Contemporary, San Diego, George R. Nnamdi Collection, Detroit Michigan. National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Gervanne & Matthias Leridon Collection. In 2015 he showed at the Zimbabwean Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 56th edition. He is an honorary research fellow  at Rhodes University  Fine Arts Department in Grahamstown, SA. Solo and group shows include Belgium. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Germany, United States, France, and Canada. 


The Radio Art Residency Weimar is a joint project between Goethe-Institut and the chair of Experimental Radio at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in cooperation with the University of Music Franz Liszt, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Thuringia’s Landesmedienanstalt, EIGENHEIM Weimar/Berlin, ACC Galerie Weimar and Radio Lotte; the Radio Art Residency aims to promote independent artistic work and to support the realization of new artworks. From the use of the radio as an exhibition space for artworks to real-time medium, the residency offers a wide range of creative options for artistic practice.

https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/radioartresidencyweimar/ <https://www.uni-weimar.de/projekte/radioartresidencyweimar/> 

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