We are Volunteering Party maker Sustainable Mensa fans University politics your StudierendenKonvent

We are your StudierendenKonvent

We are here for you! – 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For every one of our more than 4000 students at the university and for any problem.

As the university policy body of the student body, we have made it our mission to represent your interests vis-à-vis the university and politicians. You are supported not only by 16 voting members, but also by countless advisory members, commissioned departments and student initiatives that make everyday student life easier.

Here on our website, we explain our policies, introduce ourselves by name and show you how to find us if you have a concern.

Who we are

16 Members

The Student Convention is not directly elected by the student body. It is formed from the members of the student councils, which are elected every year in May/June. Four of the twelve members are appointed internally and delegated to the highest body of student self-administration.

This system is unique in Germany and was introduced by the students in a ballot vote in 2003.

4 Board members

The StuKo board is made up of 4 members of the StuKo, each of whom should belong to a different student council. Its term of office, like that of the StuKo and its student councils, is one year.

According to the statutes of the student body of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the board has the following tasks in particular:

  • Coordination of all activities of the StuKo
  • Representation of the StuKo within the university
  • Preparation and follow-up of meetings.
StuKo Board 2023/2024

25 Initiatives

Have you ever been to Café s140 or Kontor&Stift in the M18? Both stores are StuKo initiatives. The StuKo supports a total of 25 initiatives – founded and managed by committed students at our university.

Every year in October, the StuKo holds its so-called “Ini meetings”. On two to three dates, decisions are made about the initiative status of already known or newly founded student organizations.

Here you will find all the initiatives and the most important information at a glance if you want to get involved yourself or found a new student organization. We look forward to hearing from you.

14 Presentations

Our tasks are varied and therefore involve an enormous amount of work. That’s why we have advisors to help us manage all of the StuKo’s tasks responsibly. So far, 14 departments have been established – from A for our Awareness Team to U for our Environmental Department.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a department for “Z” yet, but if you would like to support us and find an area of responsibility with “Z”, you are welcome to contact us here.

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Our tasks and goals

What do you actually gain from having to pay €16.40 more each semester? This is the amount you pay to the student body, of which you are automatically a member. We promise you that this is not money thrown away on a pointless subscription! We deal responsibly with your wishes and suggestions and try to make your life outside the meeting room as pleasant as possible – and if you’re still unsure: just drop by, there’s something for everyone!

Lobbying for students

As representatives of the student body, we are your lobby. We stand up for your rights and represent your opinions to the university and politicians. We therefore often approach you students and regularly ask for your opinion on current issues. Be it through online surveys or in person.

Support for your projects

Do you have a project idea for culture or a sports competition? Or are you toying with the idea of founding an initiative? Then you’ve come to the right place! The StuKo decides on your applications at almost every meeting and is always eager to receive your submissions.

Making life on campus more colorful

University is not just for studying! That’s why the StuKo and its student councils are committed to working together, promoting initiatives and creating an offer for students outside the lecture hall. By the way, did you know that your Thoska is a free ticket to the DNT?

Parties and events

Together with our initiatives and the student councils, we create a regular range of parties and events of all kinds on campus. We are always in close contact with local providers, such as the Kasseturm. And if you feel like it, you can always get involved.

Invitation to the next meeting

The meetings of the StuKo are open to the public and we would be delighted if you attended! You are always welcome and have the right to contribute and put items on the agenda. For better planning, we would be pleased if you could register – but this is not obligatory.

Invitation to the next StuKo meeting

When:      May 14, 2024, 19:00 (GMT+2)
Where:         In the house of the students
                         Marienstraße 18
                             99423 Weimar

                              Meeting room 1st floor

Here you have the opportunity to propose topics for the next meeting. The agenda is set at least three days before the meeting. During the meeting, we only have a small amount of leeway to add new topics.

Contact the StuKo

Reaching the StuKo is actually quite easy. Only finding the right contact person can be a little more difficult. We will help you so that your request reaches the right person straight away.

Your contact at...

...all members:

You can reach the distribution list of all StuKo members via the e-mail address below. This is particularly useful for newsletters or general information concerning the StuKo or the student body.




E-mail: stuko-intern@m18.uni-weimar.de

...the Board:

Confidential information and messages that need to be discussed with those responsible at StuKo. It is also advisable to use this contact form for inquiries with direct contact persons.




E-mail: stuko-vorstand@uni-weimar.de

...the management:

Our managing director is one of the most important parts of our infrastructure. This is where many threads of student administration come together.

Managing Director: Simone Babb
Phone: 03643 58 30 19
Mon 15 – 18 / Wed 13 – 17 / Thu 08 – 13
Fri 08 – 14

E-mail: simone.babb@uni-weimar.de

...the units/initiatives:

If you have any questions concerning the StuKo departments or initiatives, please contact them directly. We have compiled a summary list of all organizations:

Minutes, statutes and other documents

In our M18 archive you will find all minutes of the current and past legislative periods – from the StuKo and its student councils.

From mid-April, our new StuKo rules of procedure will be reviewed by the Bauhaus-Universität’s legal advisor. Until then, our rules of procedure from 2015 will still apply:


Further regulations that govern the work of the StuKo and its student body:

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(Coming soon!)


Buchung Sitzungssaal

M18 – Nextcloud




Uni Weimar

HfM Weimar