We wish all students every success in this year's exams!
You can do it ❤️
Der neue StuKo stellt sich vor
Zum 23. StuKo
Welcome to the students' living room!
The M18 <3

News from the M18 newsroom


We introduce: the new StuKo

Dear students, One month after the election and five constitutive meetings, normality is returning to the life of the student representatives. About a fortnight ago,

Weiterlesen »

Partners and supporters of the StuKo

The election results are online!
Here you can find all results of the student council elections 2024!
Results are here!
Welcome to the new M18 website
As modern student representatives in Weimar, we naturally also need a modern website. Nice that you found your way here. Grab a cup of tea and have a look around. But please note: not all information has been transferred from the old website to the new one yet. This will be done gradually over the next few weeks. The button below will take you to our old website.
To the old website
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Student Representation
Bauhaus University
Who represents my interests towards the
university and politics? Here you can find
out more about:
- our university policy
- the StudierendenKonvent (StuKo)
- our student councils (FsR)
Learn more here
Student Representation
University Franz Liszt
Who represents the interests of students
at the University of Music
FRANZ LISZT? Here you can find out
more about:
- our university policy
- our student council (StuRa)
- institute councils
Learn more here
M18 archive
You'll find all information that's a bit older (election results, minutes, etc.) here.
M18 archive
Booking meeting room
Book the meeting room for your meetings here.
Book now
Welcome to the Studiservice
We won't leave you out in the rain (for soooooo long) - the student service will be waiting for you in a few months!
...or would you prefer
Your point of contact for organic food and drawing and modelling materials. Have a look


(Coming soon!)


Buchung Sitzungssaal

M18 – Nextcloud




Uni Weimar

HfM Weimar