[Rundfunkorchester] sosos

iar institute for artistic radiation jan.glockner at artun.ee
Mi Sep 5 04:11:42 CEST 2018

Dear lieber alter Serdani,
I am not okay with you just taking part.
I personally want you to be part of the klangkörper!
I even would be offendended deded!
If not!
You can cry your5 stupif sissy face out, yu have tu be part!
I want you to pack your voice thingy, you used to sing like aeons ago, you
If you do not want me to come to Leipzig and search in every kanackencorner
for you, you better be there!
also I can take 5 menschen in my car( only if e verybody had a shower) and
their nasty stuff (instruments)

also I do not think that you (Laura) are not experienced enough!

sosososo (aha)
hello at jan-gloeckner.com
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