in addition to the elections of your student representatives from May 17th to 22nd, 2024, we have to also vote from May 13th – 15th, 2024 on switching to a Germany-Semesterticket. Below is some information about our current ticket (Thüringen-Semesterticket (Thuringia-Semesterticket) & upgrade to the Deutschlandticket) and the new Germany-Semesterticket.
Current situation: Thuringia-Semesterticket & upgrade to the Deutschlandticket
We currently pay for the Thuringia-Semesterticket with our semester fee. The Thuringia-Semesterticket works as a solidarity model and can only be offered at its current price because all Thuringian student bodies use the ticket. It is made up of the following three components:

With your Thoska, you can easily use your Thuringia semester ticket. It is valid in the area of the Verkehrsverbund Mittelthüringen ( Central Thuringia Transport Association) and is recognized on (almost) all buses and trains in this area.
You can find more detailed information in the other blocks.

The DB-Regioticket allows you to travel on all regional trains in Thuringia.
By the way: you can travel on the IC train between Gera and Erfurt 6 times a day. This train also runs as a “regional train” to connect Gera to the long-distance network.
More information here.

The VMT ticket (Verkehrsverbund Mittelthüringen) allows you to travel on intercity buses and public transport in other cities in Thuringia.
Please note: Bicycle transport is only guaranteed if there is sufficient capacity on the trains. Please inform yourself in the respective cities about the regulations in connection with the semester ticket on buses and streetcars.

The Semesterticket Thuringia includes a city ticket for Weimar. You can use all 9 lines of the Stadtwirtschaft Weimar (SWW) free of charge and at any time. Bicycles can be taken on board daily from 18:00. Please note, however, that a surcharge is required for this.
All information can be found on the website of Stadtwirtschaft Weimar.
Future development of the Thuringia-Semesterticket
The price of the Thuringia-Semesterticket will gradually increase over the next few semesters. This increase is due to the price development of the individual components (see Fig. below).
1. The price of the DB Regio component will increase by a fixed amount at the beginning of each winter semester over the next two years:For the winter semester 2024/25: price increase of €6.32 to €79.82. For the winter semester 2025/26: maximum price increase of € 4.79 to a maximum of € 84.61
The price increase for the winter semester 2025/26 is linked to the Deutschlandtarif (Germany tariff). If the Germany tariff increases less than expected, the price will not increase as much. The maximum price increase in the winter semester 2025/26 will be €4.79.
In addition, this amount could rise by a maximum of €3.45 in each case. This is related to the solidarity model and therefore depends on whether – and if so, which – student bodies at the other Thuringian universities opt for the Germany-Semesterticket.
2. The price of the VMT component will increase by €0.90 to €13.30 for the next two semesters, starting in the winter semester 2024/25.
3. The price of the Stadtwirtschaft Weimar component will increase by a fixed amount at the beginning of each winter semester over the next two years:
For the winter semester 2024/25: price increase of €2.70 to €39.10
For the winter semester 2025/26: price increase of €2.30 to €41.40
Future development of the upgrade to the Deutschlandticket
The upgrade to the Deutschlandticket will probably only be offered in the coming winter semester 2024/25. From the summer semester 2025, the Deutschlandticket can then only be purchased again at the regular price (currently €49) in addition to the Thuringia-Semesterticket.
New option: Germany-Semesterticket
From the coming winter semester (2024/25), students in Thuringia will be able to purchase the Germany-Semesterticket. In contrast to the upgrade, the Germany-Semesterticket does not have to be paid for additionally, but replaces the current Thuringia-Semesterticket!
This ticket works like a normal Deutschlandticket, but only costs 60% of the normal price for us students. The price would amount to a total of €176.40 (€29.40 per month) in the winter semester 2024/25. The price development of the Deutschlandticket in the future is unclear. We students would have to be informed of a price adjustment at least one semester in advance. This would give us enough time to decide against continuing to use the Germany-Semesterticket if necessary.
If a majority of the Bauhaus University student body votes in favor of introducing the Germany-Semesterticket the contracts for the Thuringia-Semesterticket can be suspended. This would mean that our student body would have the option of switching back to the Thuringia-Semesterticket (with the then applicable prices) if necessary (e.g. discontinuation of the Deutschlandticket, disproportionate price increase, etc.). The StudierendenKonvent has passed a resolution to suspend the Thuringia-Semesterticket in the event of a majority vote in favor of introducing the Germany-Semester-ticket.
How the Germany-Semesterticket will be implemented technically has not yet been finally clarified. If a majority of the student body votes in favor of the change, it will authorize the StudierendenKonvent to accept an offer for the Germany-Semesterticket with the conditions mentioned.
Information about the ballot
You can find the link to vote here: Vote here!
You register on the university website and you get access to the portal :)
Thank you to everyone who is taking part!